

[9/11] A Black day and its Revenge

9/11 - A Black day & its revenge


It was a pleasant morning of September 11, 2001 in New York City, USA. On this day, the whole world was shaken as there was one of the biggest terrorist attack of all time, happens at the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City. This attack is much bigger than anyone, has imagined, and creates a dark milestone in the history of Terrorism.

There were two reasons, why this incident changed everything around the world about terrorism:

  1. It also determined the cruel face of terrorism for the first time. Or you may say that it had set a landmark of terrorism to another height, as America was still one of the most developed country of that time. They have everything in technology, military, e.t.c. but all went in vain.
  2. A first ever terrorist attack which was telecast on Live TV.

9/11 attack on WTC - amantalkz

At around 8:46 am, an airplane crashed into the World Trade Center’s north tower. In the blink of an eye, the tower turned into the huge ball of fire. Amid the chaos, people started running around to save their lives, when another ship crashed into the Southern Tower. It also started burning in smoke. Then that happened, which no one would have expected. The 110-Storey Skyscraper, the second and third tallest buildings in the world of that time, collapsed like Cards.

9/11 Pentagon attack

Shortly after this, another ship crashed into the Pentagon, Defense Department headquarters, which was in a highly protected area, and here, the same destruction began that took place at the World Trade Center. The fourth plane also came out for the attack and its target was Washington House, but it failed and fell into the fields of Pennsylvania. Approx. 2,977 people had lost their lives and more than 10,000 were injured in this terrorist attack. Around 18,000 people were working in the WTC at the time of the attack. But, when the attack happened on the North Tower, most of the people working in the South Tower had left the building as they are afraid of. Among the dead, many were from fire brigades, police, sweepers, and citizens of more than 90 different countries, who came to the USA in search of a better life.

9/11 WTC Tribute - amantalkz

These two towers were the pride of America, which had been in the eye of Al-Qaeda since 1996. The US had suffered a major loss of billions of dollars in this attack. Rare artifacts that were housed at the World Trade Center cost about $ 100 million. Thousands of computers, furniture, and many other things were destroyed, worth millions of dollars. Also, the thing that most affected America was the security system of America. At that time, it was believed that America is the safest place worldwide. But, this incident changed everything. Once called the safest place in the world, was now in doubt due to its security system. An FBI investigation revealed that Al Qaeda was behind the attack. Then the search for their leader Osama bin Laden began. It was the same Osama bin Laden, whom the US helped in every way to fight the Soviet Union's occupation of Afghanistan. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda are the same thing; both are originated by the Afghanistan war.

In 1978, the Soviet Union entered Afghanistan for helping the ruler of Afghanistan. In those days, The Communist government was ruling in Afghanistan and the Mujahideen were constantly trying to destabilize it. In the fight against the Soviet Union, the US planned to not fight directly, but support Pakistan to fight against the Soviet Union, by providing them military and financial support. Pakistan told every youth that Islam is in danger and you have to do jihad for the sake of Islam. This campaign, which was executed by America and Pakistan paid off and jihad was agreed by many illiterate youths. Many Islamic countries also gave large sums of money for fighting, from which modern weapons were purchased.

The Soviet Union gradually weakened during a 10 yrs. of conflict and in 1990 decided to withdraw from Afghanistan. The Taliban captured Afghanistan's power soon after the Soviet army withdraws his army. Taliban chief "Mullah Omar" and Al-Qaeda chief "Osama Bin Laden" were the heroes of the war and Afghanistan was made an Islamic State.

But, On Sept. 11, 2001, the snack whom America fed for so many years, he stung them. US President George Bush told Taliban chief "Mullah Omar" to hand over "Laden", just after the attack on the WTC, but he refused. The US then invaded Afghanistan and on December 17, 2001, ousted the Taliban from power.

hijacked flights of 9/11

When the investigation went ahead, it was found that the mastermind of the entire operation was Osama Bin Laden’s right hand, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Laden's closest man, Mohammed Atef, gathered all men and Khalid Sheikh trained all of them for this operation, sending 19 people to USA in various ways, in which 15 were from Saudi Arabia and the rest 4 of them were from the UAE, Egypt and Lebanon. When they reached the USA, 5 of them have taken admission in the flying school of San Diego City, and learned to drive airplane. On the day of the attack, the terrorists hijacked the security of the airport and hijacked four planes, in which three of them were going to Los Angeles and one was going to San Francisco.

US President George Bush destroyed the Taliban regime in Afghanistan to catch Osama, but Laden could not be captured there. FBI agents received information from a terrorist arrested during an operation that Laden was hiding in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Then an operation named Operation Neptune's Spear  started, with Geronimo as the code word for Osama bin Laden, to capture him. The operation started at 11 o'clock. 23 soldiers of the US Navy SEAL team got on board two Blackhawk helicopters. The helicopters were designed in such a way that they make minimal noise and remain out of the grip of Pakistan's radar. After 35 minutes, the Blackhawk helicopters took off, four Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopters flew from the same runway towards the target.

Two of the four helicopters halted near Pakistan's border and the remaining two were headed towards the target. It was not pre-decided. These were part of the backup plan at the behest of President Obama. They wanted that if the operation failed, the troops could somehow be sent to Afghanistan from where the operation was being carried off. One of two Blackhawk helicopters crashed while landing at Laden's house, its wings damaged by a concrete wall of concrete but successfully executed by the pilot. The second helicopter landed successfully and trained commando of the US Navy SEAL immediately began the operation.

The commandos broke the door and entered, when Laden's wife woke up and started to scream. Upon hearing the voice, Laden also woke up and came out of his room. But, as soon as he saw the US Navy there, he stumbled, went back to his room, and tried to close the door again, but failed. A commando entered his room. Seeing himself surrounded, Laden stood quietly, knowing that there was no other way to escape now. The commando, without losing time, fired a double tap shot at Laden, one bullet hits on his chest and the other on the left eye. He lost his life in the first shot. After this successful operation, Laden's body was taken to Afghanistan and DNA tests confirmed that he was Laden. When the American commandos had successfully completed the operation in Abbottabad then after Pakistan received news that the US Navy SEAL had killed Osama bin Laden by entering their land and also took his body with them. Thus, 10 years after 9/11, America had avenged the deaths of its innocent civilians.

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